Okay, 2007 is almost over in a blink of an eye. But at one time, I could not wait for the year to be over. And I am so glad that it is almost over. Just a few more days to go.
Oh, right! This is going to be a long post. How I can sum up 365 days in a few sentences, well, more than a few, remains a challenge for me.
I think this year, our faith were fiercely tested when we found out about my mother's sickness. My mother has always been the pillar of strength in our family. She's our dragon lady. Yet, I can never forget her look when I picked her up in the airport and she looked at me in daze. The woman who brought me to this world could not recognize me, her own daughter. It was just so devastating.
And I just felt so helpless, for not being able to do anything for her for her! And I questioned myself, over and over again, how good a daughter I was. At one time, in her dazed and confused days, I just felt like asking her, if I had made her proud. If she's happy to have me as her daughter. The question never reached her, because I was afraid to hear the answer.
Health is truly the priceless gift in our life. And I am so grateful, that all of us in the family (Yohan and I, Ma & Pa, our children) are doing well. My mother is getting better everyday, and for it, I am more than grateful.
The big flood happened in Jakarta, and our children were there at that time. I learned about the true quality of my parents and how much they love their grandchildren. I also learned about some people who were not sincerely concerned about my children, despite their blood relation. No name is being mentioned here to protect the privacy of the accused.
Career wise, I'd say that I was doing okay in 2007. Not too many days of staying back late in the office, which was more than I could ask for. I was coping well with my current job. And just recently, I was offered the opportunity to take up new responsibility that is outside my comfort zone. Um, actually "offered" was not really the good term to use here. I was politely pushed to take up the new responsibility. I've had my reservations about my new job, but, let's just wait and see. Anyway, the effective date of the job is only in 2008. And I am supposed to be whingeing about 2007 now.
I am also guilty of not spending enough time with my children, especially big N. To their credit, they have been doing well so far. My big N enjoys his school and teacher. Making friends and learning new things. My little N began to attend her toddler class in July 2007, and she was doing equally great. Health-wise, I have been hoping that they have better immune system and not falling ill that often. Especially for my big N. Let this be my hopes for year 2008.
Personally, in 2007, I feel that I have metamorphosed into a cynical person now. It did not happen overnight of course. I just realize that I do not see the world in the rose tinted glasses anymore. I have turned into a clean freak, nature-averse kind of person. That's so different than who I was--10 years ago.
Also, I realize that I have turned into a shopaholic. My husband can testify for this. Every month, whenever he shows me (my) credit card bills, I will widen my eyes as I look at him, to give him a damsel-in-distress look. When I speak to him, I will whimper my voice to mimic a 15 year-old and ask him nicely to settle my credit card bills. This damsel-in-distress tactic, I have learned, has a great impact in deciding whether or not my husband is going to pay for my credit card bills. Of course I can pay for the bills myself. But the cheap thrill is to get the HUSBAND pay for the credit card bills. That's what husband is for!
So, let's toast to my wonderful husband, who just settled my credit card bill for this month!!
To conclude this post, I will not say that 2007 is a bad year. It's just...more challenging for me!
On a positive note to end this year, a new little addition, has joined our family on 6 Dec 2007. My sister has given birth to a cute little girl on that day. Welcome to this world, little Chloe!
I put up the picture of Ariel jigsaw puzzle here, as I find that doing the 99-pieces (that belongs to little N) was a great bonding for me and my husband. We worked together to finish the puzzle, while little N was watching TV. And I guess, it just represents our teamwork, for year 2007. Well, fear not, as our xmas present for big N is a 300-pieces jigsaw puzzle. Yohan and I can do a lot of bonding together in early next year.