Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Tribute to Ruri: Muffin Ruri

Ruri did not create this muffin. But she generously shared the recipe with us, NCC members. For that, she showed us what a kind and generous person she was. And for that, we call this recipe, Muffin Ruri.

I did not personally know Ruri just like I did not personally know Inong, but in the virtual net, the world has become such a small place.

I made Wilton Klappertart, another recipe that she shared with us, for my christmas gathering last year. Her muffin recipe is my favorite that I will bake over and over again. I read her blog, learned from her experiences too.

I shared the same pain that other members felt when we found out that she has succumbed to cancer early this month. My heart goes out to the two little girls that she left behind, who have to grow up missing their mother in their lives. I baked this muffin in the memory of her. And I know that in the subsequent Muffin Ruri baking session, I'll always remember this kind and special lady.

Requiscat in Pace, Ruri!

1 comment:

Vania said...

makasih banyak atas partisipasinya.
Ntar ta kabari kalo udah diumumin round up-nya sekitar minggu terakhir Oktober.
Sekali lagi, makasih yah.