Monday, November 18, 2013

Brownie Points

Crusty Top


So, the story went like this, the kids' catechism class ended the year with party, and parents were welcomed to contribute some food. I decided to do brownies,

So I did two different brownies recipes. The first one, for little N's class, was the one from Alice Medrich. You google it, and you will find it. I even doubled the recipe as there were 23 kids in her class. When the cake was baked, I was disappointed with the lack of the crusty top. I did not know what went wrong in the process.

The second one, for Big N's class, was the one that I always did for the kids. The recipe was taken from detikfood. Halfway in the oven, I could see that the top was already crinkled with the paper think crust. It really made my day.

To sum it up, I had the simple chart where I listed down the points that I took on the brownies. Considering that I am about to catch the bus and meet my husband, I have to end my writing here.
But, it was a sweet adventure of baking after months of hiatus.

Alice Medrich Detikfood
Top does not crust paper thin crust
Texture fudgy cakey
Leavening Agent No Yes
Taste Chocolatey Chocolatey