I love baking, and the maids who have worked for me are the living testimony of my hobby. The previous one who worked for me put on 10 kg within 6 months. The current one is still struggling with her weight gain, one look and a person can tell that I feed her well.
Almost every week, I will find a new project challenge, or something just to satisfy my craving for sweet things. I am more than aware of the effect of
glycation on skin, being a vain person that I am. And also the high risk of developing diabetes. But, I just can't help it, I need something to work on almost at the weekly basis. Only to regret it afterwards.
Sin is an act of regrettable fault or offense.
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. The round up of my sins in chronological order:

German Cheesecake
From 50 Resep Istimewa a la Nila Chandra cookbook. Oma Nila Chandra is a dear friend of my grandmother, they were neighbors for years. Her grandchildren were my childhood friends. My mother and aunties were trained under her cooking class. She was the baking queen in her time.
This cake was quite surprisingly, a clever rendition of the real German Cheesecake. Using cream cheese, instead of the curd. It was sponge cakes with layer of creamy cheesecake, with bits of raisins. Big thumbs up from everyone in the family, including my daughter.
The recipe, however, was very inaccurate. A lot of errors found in the recipe that I found through trial and error made me wonder if the recipe has been tested prior to publishing. But then again, coming from old school, I wonder if they are really sincere about sharing the recipe to outside world.
Carrot Cake
One of my favorite cakes. Something that I never get tired of baking over and over again. This version is taken from All-recipes. I am still searching for my perfect carrot cakes.
Anyone has recipe to share?

Avocado Tiramisu
I baked this cake for our anniversary. I found out that the challenge for this cake is to find the perfect avocado. I imported the avocado all the way from Jakarta, only to throw more than 2 kg of them into the bin as they were unripe and bitter.
I have not had much luck with my Tiramisu attempt. And this one was no different.
It was average, but not special. But then again, I need to get the perfect avocado before I can come up with the perfect Avocado Tiramisu. I did not use enough avocado in this cake.
Recipe adapted from different sources, inspired by Ny Liem's Favorite Modern Cake's Avocado Tiramisu.

Outrageous Chocolate Cookies
For years, I thought I was the odd one out, because I loooove chewy and soft cookies. But all the cookies that I found were all crispy. That's why I fell madly in love with Mrs. Field cookies. Chewy, soft in the middle, with the right amount of chocolate chunks.
It was only years later, I find out that I am perfectly normal, that there are people in the world who love soft and chewy cookies as much as I do.
Strangely enough, other than one failed attempt of coming up with the chewy cookies, I did not bother to come up with the cookies. Until I saw this one.
This one is from Martha Stewart. And I really love it. Very intense chocolate taste, mixed with chunks of bittersweet chocolate in a chewy fudgy cookies. Recipe can be found

Chocolate Cheesecake
This no-bake version, is very simple to do. Y said that he gave it 7.5/10 rating, which, according to him was very high rating, as he had very high standard on my cakes.
Tini, my domestic helper, said...nice..nice!
I say, this is definitely in my baking list. Something that I will redo again, given the low level of difficulty.
Recipe from Yasaboga.
I will go on Soutbeach Diet for my penance! No cakes or sweet things for the next 3 months.